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So, we’re just about ready to hit the road to Burkina Faso for the month of July! My hubby and I will be leading a team of 5 student-aged people into Ouagadougou {Ouaga for short…} and then around to a couple other village areas to spend time with some of the local communities and experience some of the culture…  The team is so excited…and it brings me back to my first time going to Africa about 11 years ago when I was part of a medical team to Ethiopia…I remember not being able to sleep for nights before out of excitement…  Oh Africa, here we come again : )

Neither of us have been to the west of Africa, only the east, which I gather is quite different…  So we’re looking forward to learning about some of the differences and will surely find some similarities in contrast to our native countries…

So, I think its probably safe to say that I won’t be blogging at all in the next month or so…and definitely won’t be making anything crafty worth posting…although I will be reverting to my MacGyver role in Africa and will no doubt come up with some pretty impressive gadgets… : )  I will be keeping my eye out for the beautifully colourful fabric from Burkina Faso that I have only seen pictures of …  And will hopefully be bringing some of that home with me to make something with!

Will take lots of photos and will look forward to showing them off…  So, have a good summer until I return from the far off land of Burkina…

Our Little Family

Pattern Challenge